Monday, 20 October 2014

My trip to Canada

My trip to Canada was very long....

Immigrant know how long it takes to get  papers to come to Canada. So after two years of waiting in Ukraine we finally got our Permanent Resident documents. We bought our tickets right away and were ready to leave Ukraine after three weeks. The magic day was Wednesday, November 28, 2012.
On back Wednesday at 6 a.m. we (me, my husband and one year old daughter) left our apartment and went to the nearest airport that located in another city three hours drive away. Everything was good and organized: new tenants should move in to our apartment at the same day, sold furniture was scheduled to move out at the same day too.When we came to airport we were advised that our plain is delaying for one hour because of fog. Actually we had to change 3 plains: Ukraine - Turkey - Toronto - Regina, and waiting time was couple hours between flights. After some time we were informed that the plain is going to be delayed for more than three hours or to be canceled at all. So I figured out that we will be late for our second plain or won't leave Ukraine today. Turkish airlines advised that they are going to change our tickets to Friday. We with one year old child  had to come back home to our city, where we didn't have place where to leave, because there are tenants in out apartment.I was so upset. On our way back I called to my tenants and asked them to move on Friday, thanks they were agree with that. Anyway we came back to our apartment with no furniture and stayed there for two more days.
Second "magic" day was Friday, November 30, 2012. Same agenda like was on Wednesday. And when we came to airport second time - flight was delay for one hour because of fog again. I weren't believing at the beginning.  After they extended delay time for  1 more hour and my husband told me: "If we don't leave today, I'm not going to come back to this airport any more, I'll stay in Ukraine. It's a sign!". After couple hours of waiting I realized that we've been late for next flight already. Turkish airline gave me options:  to leave today, stay one night at Turkish hotel and leave to Canada next day or come back to airport on Monday again. For sure I chose first one and  we left Ukraine after couple hours.
The worst flight in my live, to get lost in airport, took the wrong bus to the wrong hotel at 11 pm at Turkey - all these were nothing for me because I was so exited to move to Canada and we was on our way.
Next day we came to Turkish airport and on the screen was displayed 100 flights and only one was "delayed for 4 hours". May guess what flight - ours, to Toronto. I was stressed out and asked myself: Why it's happening with us?". It took some time to find Turkish airlines office in Turkish airport. They advised that we will be late on our flight Toronto-Regina, so we had options to stay one more night at Turkey or leave today to Toronto, stay one night there and flight to Regina next day. I knew that it was -20 in Regina so we traveled in winter jackets and winter boots. But in Turkey it was + 20, so we felt really 'warm' all our time in there.  Anyway we left Turkey at the same day.
10 hours flight with one year old child, everybody was so tired. Finally at 11 pm we came to Toronto airport. Got our 5 luggages, passed an  immigration officer, long waiting line, but we are in Canada!  Thanks, Turkish airlines provided us a hotel. We had very short night and next day left Toronto on time. Last flight was the hardest, especially for my daughter.
On Sunday, December 02, 2014 afternoon we came to Regina. We was so excited, my mom met us in airport and told that all Regina was waiting for us already 4 days. But when we went outside it was so windy and cold -25, my husband whispered to me: " It's so cold here. I wanna go back to Ukraine...".
I traveled a lot in my life, but this trip was the longest and hardest in my live so far.